Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Episode 302: School Attachment Day 11

Have elected not to proceed with data recovery, so I've begun the process of rebuilding my collection of TV shows. Didn't bring my laptop to school today for that reason! I will be buying a third external hard drive, since this one, assuming it's covered under warranty, won't be coming back in time for me to load shows onto it. My parents, naturally, are frowning on this decision, but I really think the current situation is untenable, so that's what I'm going to do. Possibly tomorrow, before I meet Claudia and Vaish for dinner. Was supposed to go for Oliver's birthday surprise, but it suddenly occurred to me that Kallang is very, very far away from Yishun, and at least during my attachment, I've been trying to get a minimum of six hours of sleep. So I'm really sorry, Oliver, but happy birthday anyway! School was okay, despite my not having prepared very thoroughly for today's lesson. I was essentially winging it, but it was okay, since my mentor wanted to do something during the second half of the lesson anyway. I'm going to repeat the same lesson tomorrow, with slight modifications, so that it takes up more time. Two days more to go!

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