Thursday, November 26, 2009

Episode 430: Archaeology Report Done!

The Keats lecture today was even more entertaining than last week's. Impressions are always a hoot. Seminars are another matter altogether. I always feel vaguely dissatisfied when I leave, like we're always just skimming the surface during that one hour. I suppose I can't really complain all that much, since I never say anything, but it's because I don't have anything astounding that I think deserves to be said. I ration my speech in seminars like a starving urchin from a Dickens novel. Anyway, we wrote terza rimas for EN238 today. Wasn't pleased with mine, so I'm going to start from scratch after my French test on Tuesday. Spent this afternoon and evening in the Library, hammering out the archaeology report. It's finally done! I don't even care how good it is anymore. If I did, I'd have been paralysed and probably not have finished. I did find time to bang out a 25-line poem for EN273 tomorrow, which I was moderately pleased with. I think with writing inspired by Biblical texts, the more you subvert the original, the more interesting the result. That's what I need to do more of. It's not that I can't, but that because the stories are so embedded in my belief system I find it hard to look at them in any way other than the orthodox. Now all I have to do is get started on the close reading, either tomorrow or Saturday afternoon, then finish it up over the whole of Sunday.

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