Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Episode 1275: Revving Up To Review

Currently writing my review of the book version of I Wrote This For You. It's a bit hard to do because this isn't one of those books that's amenable to my usual style of reviewing, which relies a great deal on what are essentially techniques of close reading. I'll work something out though; I somehow always do. I'm also starting to realise that the bad thing about the holidays is that I end up shopping online a lot. Bought another bunch of Threadless tees today because the site's having a 48-hour sale and buying just one wouldn't have got me my money's worth in terms of shipping costs. Ordered a bunch of poetry books yesterday, and I've got more that I want to get, I'm just waiting until The Book Depository does another 10% discount promotion. Even though those books are already cheaper on The Book Depository than Amazon UK (which is odd, given the new pricing regime for UK-published books on the former after the latter acquired it), I still want to spend just that little bit less if I can! Also ordered the first issue of Smith Journal today, an Australian magazine for men put together by Morrison Media, who also publish frankie. It came to my attention because the second issue is now available at BooksActually, so I've asked Kenny to reserve me a copy of that. It's quite funny how I arguably buy more stuff from BooksActually while abroad, getting Shirley to collect them for me as my long-suffering 'courier', as Kenny refers to her.

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