Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Episode 1443: Started Packing...

I always forget how stressful packing is, until I actually start doing it. Have packed and sealed three boxes of books now, with a fourth loaded with some books and miscellany, but my shelves are still half-full! Some of my books are coming with me on the flight, obviously, but there's no way everything still on the shelves could possibly fit in my check-in and carry-on, not even if I bring none of my clothes back in my luggage, which is obviously not an option. I've been trying to sort the books according to what I definitely will and won't feel like I absolutely have to read within the next two months, which is how long the shipping will take. You might argue that given how many unread books I already have back in Singapore, I should just box up everything here and be done with it, and you would be absolutely right. If only my behaviour were that rational! I think I'll be able to work something out eventually. I've planned to have a week to do the packing, which is loads, to be honest. Overall, I've definitely got less stuff now than I did last year, since I brought things like coats and jackets back to Singapore when I went back at Christmas and for my birthday.

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