Saturday, November 20, 2010

Episode 789: Gangsters & Molls

Let's just say I'm both unsurprised and appalled that racism is alive and well where I live, but thanks, Laura, for having my back. Anyway, Gaby and Sophie Mac's themed birthday party was good fun. Had read a bit of Marlowe before leaving the house, so I did manage to get some work done today, despite having woken up sometime past noon. Should probably be able to finish Tamburlaine The Great before service tomorrow and get started on Titus Andronicus. Pretty impressed as well that I didn't spend any money on alcohol! Just 47p for a bottle of Tesco own-brand cola, that bottle of Bacardi from our housewarming party weeks ago, and I was set for the rest of the night. (The alternative would have been buying two bottles of Bacardi Breezer for £5, and that would have been silly.) Tying helium balloons to Dan was possibly the funniest part of the evening actually. I think at one point there were about 10? Further hilarity ensued later in the night when people decided inhaling helium would be a good idea as well. Chipmunks!

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