Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Episode 1548: It's Tough...

Angela's in town this month visiting relatives, so we caught up over coffee at Forty Hands. Went to BooksActually before that, where I promptly broke my own resolution not to buy any more books this year. Just finished Troy Chin's Bricks In The Wall, which pokes fun at the music industry. (What I really want to see though, is another volume of The Resident Tourist!) Also bought a small stack of magazines, but only because they were debut issues, so I can start collecting them from the very beginning. Picked up Cereal, Galavant (a local publication!), The Alarmist and The Alpine Review. Yet even as new literary ventures are springing up, others are being shuttered. Heard the sad news yesterday that The Knives Forks and Spoons Press is ceasing operations, although thanks to POD technology, KFS aims to keep its backlist available for purchase. It's really a shame to see the press go. I've reviewed some of their output in the past, and through that, I've been introduced to poets whose work I wouldn't otherwise have encountered. (Coincidentally, a couple of the press's poets also happen to be contributors to Eunoia Review.)

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