Sunday, January 01, 2012

Episode 1196: ...Welcome 2012

Might have read more today for my essay that's due in Week 2 of Spring Term than during the rest of the holidays put together. Wise decision though, as I've got more ideas in my head for it than I had before, and I don't feel as restricted by my self-created essay title as I did previously. I might even go so far as to say that I could stop reading and start writing at this point, although I might give myself till Wednesday before actually trying to get that all-important (for me) first sentence down onto the page. Want to read Eunoia for a third time, to see if an idea that came to me yesterday about sounds in the poem actually bears out. If it does, it'll be a step in the right direction in terms of the central argument I want to advance in this essay. I'm actually quite proud of myself that I'm preparing to knuckle down a fortnight before the essay's due. 6000 words is twice the length of what I normally wrote during my undergraduate days, and back then, I barely even read most of the articles and books I was quoting from. I also wrote most of the essays in the 24-48 hours before they were due, so getting ready two weeks in advance is a pretty major achievement. Hopefully, I should be able to have at least 1500 words done before I fly back. (To expect myself to have written half of it is, quite frankly, insanity.)

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