Sunday, December 05, 2010

Episode 804: Okay, Why Did I Agree To Do This?

Just watched Mean Girls on Claire Heffer's recommendation. Isn't it funny how Lindsay Lohan was so normal way back then? I'll admit, by the way, that I had no idea that Tina Fey wrote the screenplay. I guess that actually makes it okay to like the film? Now trying to get on with that review of Lazy Gramophone. I like the idea that they're really a grassroots kind of collective, but at the same time, it really bothers me how some of the pieces don't seem to have been edited properly. It's either HTML hell, or really random typographical experimentation. It sounds like a petty complaint, but given that this is the third iteration of their website, and how organised it generally is otherwise, I don't think I can give them a free pass on this. I'm not going to make a big deal of it though, as I really like some of the work, so maybe just a small paragraph at the end, like a sort of caveat. I'm finding it hard to review Lazy Gramophone because the site is really more like a gallery of the collective's artistic efforts than a straightforward literary journal, so the sheer volume of material is a little overwhelming, to say the least. Oh well. I've got another day or two to figure it out...

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