Thursday, December 09, 2010

Episode 808: Haunting The Airport

Had assumed I was going to spend an uncomfortable night in the airport waiting for the others, but mercifully, there's a 24/7 Costa outlet in Terminal 2, so I'm reading Her Fearful Symmetry now with a frescato beside me. The question is whether I'll be able to stay awake till sometime past 3 am, which is when they're arriving. Maybe caffeine will have an effect for once? Last day at Warwick for the term was actually quite eventful. Went to a reading in the Chaplaincy by José Luís Peixoto because Laura reminded me about it, and it was really good. Plus Peixoto, like China Miéville, has an impressive number of earrings and piercings. I suppose I'm fascinated by piercings because I'm almost 100% I'll never work up the nerve to get any. (Plus my parents would total freak out, I think.) Then I ran into George Ttoouli while waiting for my EN331 seminar to begin and we chatted for a bit. Well, more like I rambled and he listened. He did say he enjoyed the poems I read last night, which made me happier than it ought to. (Then again, I've always been a bit unsure what he thought about my poetry, so this puts my mind more at ease, I suppose. Even I can get insecure where my writing's concerned.) The seminar itself ended pretty dramatically, everyone having just received confirmation that the essay's due on the first week after the holidays. Doesn't affect me because I'm only auditing, but it still feels like a crazily tight deadline, and way to ruin Christmas vacation for people! So that's the end of term, and hopefully, the next couple of days in Barcelona will be relaxing. Then back to warmth (and unfortunately, humidity)!

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