Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Episode 814: Warmth At Last...

The woman sitting to my right on the flight kept invading my personal space, and she spent an hour sleeping with a blanket drawn over her whole body like a shroud, except the blanket was black, not white. It was just really weird. The movie selection on this flight didn't really appeal to me, although I did finally see Bright Star. I didn't like it as much as I thought I would, finding the ending particularly odd. I get that Fanny's mourning, but I think the way it actually ended, with her tearfully reciting 'Bright star, would I were steadfast as thou art', wasn't a tight enough finish. Did get chills down my spine every time either Keats or Fanny recited lines from his poems though, and it made me glad that I didn't bring the Duncan Wu anthology back in the end, as I think I'm going to re-read Keats next term as and when I can. He's the only of the Romantics, I think, for whom I can unconditionally profess admiration. Oh well. I'm not saying it's a bad film, just that I generally found the pacing uneven. Next I saw a really silly Hong Kong film called City Under Siege, whose sole purpose seemed to be to have Aaron Kwok flexing and Shu Qi pouting, the actual plot being completely incidental. Ended the flight well though, by tuning into the Disney Channel programmes. Mildly embarrassed to say that I actually came close to bursting out in undignified laughter several times. Am now safely ensconced in my room, where even with the air-conditioner switched on, the room temperature is probably higher than anything I've experienced in Leamington all of this term.

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