Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Episode 142: The Dot Is Hot!

Got back from London and did a bit of shopping at Tesco. The driver had quite the sense of humour. I tried to read a bit, but I was sleepy, so I napped for quite a while instead, which is bad news for my Travesties essay. Trekked down to Benefactors in the middle of the afternoon to meet Michelle and Marc about the video we're making for the Contact Singapore competition. We had a brainwave or two, so Michelle and I went to get the footage we needed. It was quite hilarious in a way, as we had to walk from the multi-storey carpark all the way back to Benefactors without saying anything. Fortunately, we didn't bump into anyone we knew along the way, or we'd probably have had to start all over. In any case, we made it back and she started editing it, while I procrastinated on my laptop. Wanted to go for Twelfth Floor tonight, but I forgot about it until like half an hour before it was starting, so now I'm thinking of going down to catch it in London. Crazy, I know. Am still trying to get started on the portfolio for EN124. Have ideas, but nothing concrete beyond a few hundred words that don't look like they're going to shape up into anything decent, at least not without some radical change of direction. Sigh...

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