Friday, February 13, 2009

Episode 144: Vote For Us!

Please vote for this video that my friends and I made! You can find it here. Just comment on it with 'YOU HAVE MY VOTE'. Thanks! So I've managed to finish one of my flash fictions, the one that's been stuck in my head for the past few days. I expanded it from a winter setting to all four seasons, in order to sustain the narrative interest (for myself). I think the ending is particularly nice, so I've posted it up on my LJ here. Eugene thinks I should switch from poetry to prose, since he thinks this piece alone is better than all the poetry I've ever posted here. I find it very hard to agree with him, especially having written something like this and getting it published. I freely admit that nothing written before or after it reads quite as effortlessly to my ear (I wrote most of it during a Mathematics lecture in JC), and while there are moments when I've come close to replicating that level of ease, like here, I have this gnawing self-doubt that I will never be a poet who has anything really important to say. Until recently, I've always felt like all my writing was overshadowed, at least in my mind, by that one poem. The experience of writing 'Three's (Not) A Crowd' has taught me that I am pathetically incapable of judging my own creative writing if it has to be longer than say, 200 words. Now I'm just procrastinating by updating my blog and talking to Alex on Facebook chat, although the latter has helped in giving me some ideas throughout this whole arduous process of writing two flash fictions. Once again, I find myself wishing for Monday to arrive, except this time the feeling's hitting about a day earlier than usual. Ah well...

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