Sunday, November 08, 2009

Episode 412: You Know You're Tired...

When you'd rather have stayed in bed instead of crawling out to make dinner. Anyway, I sang in church today. Good times! I like singing harmony as much as singing lead, and I don't get to do enough of the former back home, so it's really cool getting to do it at Westwood. By the time lunch at Varsity was over though, I was utterly shattered. Came home and had a nap, which kind of ended up lasting twice as long as I'd intended. So much for getting started on the film reviews for Jennifer's Body and Sommersturm. I'm thinking that this time, I might actually watch the film in question before writing the review, even though that isn't strictly necessary, or at times, even practical (i.e. upcoming releases that haven't premiered at the time of writing). Also have graphics and titles to collect, so that should keep me occupied over Reading Week while I'm in London. Hopefully, I'll be able to learn everything I need to know on Tuesday when I meet Owen, now that I've got Photoshop installed on my laptop. I kind of messed about for a bit and think I might have got the hang of it, but I'm pretty sure there's a more efficient way to get things done.

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