Saturday, September 18, 2010

Episode 726: Eunoia Review Is Born...

My mum had a fall and she's been warded, waiting for surgery on her foot tomorrow. Happened in the kitchen while I was in the hall, working on my literary journal. Yeah, I did it. Set up the WordPress site for Eunoia Review, submission guidelines found here. Also set up an advertising campaign using that free Google AdWords voucher, so we'll see if that actually brings in any traffic (and submissions). Don't really want to advertise this on Facebook yet because I'm a bit shy about the whole business of starting up something like this. I really mean to stick with it for the long term though. What I need is a solid crop of submissions, which I can schedule like about a month or two in advance. I figure if I want to run it as a site posting one new piece per day, that's the very minimum. Don't want to do issues at the moment because I'm not ready to add the workload of creating PDFs or coding self-contained issues. The site is pretty basic at the moment, but I like the uncluttered aesthetic of the current template anyway. I also forced myself to start and finish that review of Pomegranate I've been putting off writing since the end of July. Need to get into the habit of it anyway, especially if the pace begins to pick up, combined with working to stay on track for a First this year. Two more to go on the current to-do list...

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