Sunday, September 04, 2011

Episode 1077: Leading Worship After One Year...

First time leading worship at COGS in more than a year and it felt great to be back! Nearly lost my voice after practice from singing the bridges of 'Awakening' repeatedly, but managed to last till the end of service. Ironically, because Communion ended so quickly today, we didn't even get around to playing 'Awakening'. It's okay though, since I'm leading again in two weeks with the same band, and it's a Communion Sunday again. Honestly wondering if it'll be a better idea to lower the key of the song from D to C, now that everyone's more familiar with how the riffs go. Don't want to kill myself trying to hit the top note in the bridges again, even though F above middle C is usually within my range. I think Chris Tomlin sings it in F on And If Our God Is For Us..., which is just madness! Maybe I'll e-mail the musicians and ask if they don't mind relearning the riffs in C for two weeks' time. On the other hand, if we're only doing it as a Communion song, it wouldn't be a complete disaster if I kept it in the higher key, right? (Update: I've just been repeatedly bitten by what looks like an Aedes mosquito. Hello, dengue fever...)

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