Sunday, April 01, 2012

Episode 1287: Ah, April Fool's, You Got Me

After several abortive attempts, I finally got the review of the Stainton chapbook going, just before I had to leave for church. Came straight back after, watched the Season 2 episodes of The Pupil that I'd missed in Singapore because I found them on YouTube, and then continued writing. It's almost done now, and I'll send something off to Lindsey tonight, no matter how late I have to stay up to get it done. After all, this should've been done by Friday! I've also got to reply to an e-mail from the editor of The South Townsville micro poetry journal, which has just accepted one of my poems. It's a new online journal with a slight twist. The editor takes only one-poem submissions (because like me, it's a one-man operation over there and I guess he has more on his plate than I do), and if accepted, you have the option of answering three questions posed by him and inspired by the poem. So that's what I'm doing in a bit, once this review's done. Incidentally, I was actually taken in by an April Fool's joke today and I'm not embarrassed to admit it because it's a pretty funny/bizarre one, depending on your tastebuds. Basically, I actually thought Innocent Drinks was being serious about its new limited edition smoothies with a dollop of marmite in it. I mean, why not, right? If there's a company I trusted to make such a concoction even remotely palatable, it would be Innocent Drinks. (By the way, isn't it weird how the company's now 58% owned by The Coca-Cola Company?)

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