Monday, April 04, 2011

Episode 924: To Continue Or Not To Continue, That Is The Question

Have written one poem today, and may possibly complete at least half of another. Progress is a lovely thing. I also did manage to get a haircut this afternoon, after returning The Plagiarist. Started reading Justin Cronin's The Passage on the bus journey back. Apparently the first 100 pages or so is really good, and then it goes downhill after that. Given that's only 12.5% of the book's length, I think I might be in for a slog at some point. Might just give up and switch to something else. I did stay up again last night to finish reading, and this time it was Mira Grant's Feed. I'd commented on Saturday that it was going to need to ramp things up to keep me reading (this book and the subsequent ones in the Newsflesh trilogy), and it sure did. I'd peeked ahead to the ending, so I knew who lived and who died (which is also why the Newsflesh trilogy won't get adapted for film even though it basically pushes all the right buttons for the genre), but I was still genuinely moved when I got to the death scenes. I mean, they totally made me feel grateful I wasn't an only child, a sentiment I expressed on Facebook that was promptly mocked by everyone who commented on my status, my own sister included. So much for trying to be nice! Incidentally, the review I did of Unthology No. 1 has caught the attention of its publisher, which is nice, I suppose. It's a good anthology, and the general quality of the writing far outweighs the typographical errors I spotted, and only because I'm finicky when it comes to things like that. I've also learnt from stalking Twitter that the review copy I received was an early galley, and all errors have subsequently been caught and corrected. So I strongly recommend checking Unthank Books out!

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