Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Episode 127: 15%

Just got back from Tesco, where I bought a lot of useless junk food. Ended up spending almost as much as Jerrick, who actually bought proper food to cook. I'm still sniffling, so I was a bit zoned out at Michelle's birthday party and at rehearsal before that. I'm self-medicating and hoping that I'll be fine by Thursday. Otherwise, I will seriously consider not going to Varsity, even though I said I would this afternoon in Kami Lounge. As for the title of this post, it's how far along I am to getting a First overall for Year 1. 12.5% from EN122 and 2.5% from EN124. Yeah, I got the essay for EN122 back today, and my slogging paid off, even if I spent only about half a day writing and editing the whole thing. I really should stop doing that, even if it doesn't seem to significantly interfere with the quality of my work. I think EN121 is what's going to pull my average down in the end, which sucks. Time to work harder, especially on the Middle English texts. Renaissance poetry I can handle. That at least looks recognisable, and it's a matter of parsing the meaning. Middle English is just completely bewildering, even if my translation test showed that I wasn't entirely hopeless at it. Oh well. Perhaps I should forget about visiting Eugene in London during Reading Week and just stay at Warwick to study. Really want to watch Avenue Q though...

1 comment:

ale.eee.why. said...

I wanna watch Avenue Q too. I missed it when it was in Sg.