Monday, March 30, 2009

Episode 189: NWA Day 1

We're having a really late dinner now because we only started cooking after getting back from the evening celebration. I'm not involved in the cooking, unsurprisingly, hence am typing out this entry in my handphone. Managed to squeeze in a little bit of work for my CM1 portfolio before I left for Wales. Basically, me and any sort of work have this bizarre relationship whereby it only gets done when the pressure of time exceeds the pressure of perfectionism. So that point was temporarily reached in the hours leading up to my departure. So I dashed off a few hundred words for Assignment 3c. Would have done more, but I'm still not quite sure what constitutes a sufficiently reflective piece of writing, so I'm holding off on finishing anything else in the portfolio until I've managed to clear more urgent essays. Will need to be insanely productive for two straight weeks when I get back. I did briefly toy with the idea of taking along books for The Warwick Review essay, but decided to just pack Sir Gawain And The Green Knight instead. Managed to get through two Fitts (the Tolkien translation, not the original) on the way to Wales. The journey itself was very numbing for my bum, but the scenery was lovely. The weather, apparently, was also rather decent, this being Wales and all. We only encountered a slight drizzle along the way, and it's been clear skies ever since. Stuart Townend led worship this evening, and although I've mentioned to Shirley before that I didn't like his CD that she lent me, hearing him live is actually quite good. [I'm being a bit biased because the first song he led tonight was Brenton Brown's 'Hosanna (Praise Is Rising)'.] Haven't quite thought about what seminars I want to attend over the next couple of days. Guess I might just end up drifting along with people, at least for tomorrow.

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