Saturday, May 23, 2009

Episode 243: GradeSaver

Have finished with GradeSaver, and will move on to Luminarium tomorrow, before repeating the cycle again, this time with particular focus on Wyatt and Shakespeare. Anyway, as predicted, I woke up really late, but I sort of managed to get into the swing of revision after dinner. Read the opening bit of the first chapter of The Dark Volume, and it was sort of okay, but not enough to distract me from revision the way that reading Turn Coat could. If I let it. Have not read a chapter from that for the past two days! I have managed to waste a bit of time getting to the Season 5 finale of Charmed though. Have definitely decided to eliminate 'unnecessary' revision, which will hopefully allow me to actually get everything into shape in my mind by Tuesday. What I need is a revision session with people who actually are studying the same thing and can help me to clarify my thoughts. I am definitely treating this examination too likely, although this being first year and all, to go to the other extreme seems unnecessarily excessive. Still have to brush up on French grammar at some point, possibly tomorrow, after getting back from church.

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