Saturday, October 23, 2010

Episode 761: Birthday Bar Crawl!

Went on a bar crawl for Sophie's birthday, but felt quite ill midway, so I stopped drinking when we got to TJ's. Felt well enough to have Vialli's though, so I'm eating disgustingly greasy chicken and wedges while watching ReGenesis. Still not done with C, which is bad, bad, bad, and I'm going to have to bang out the review really quickly at some point on Monday. I did finish my French composition at least, before leaving for the bar crawl. Apparently, Twitter can predict the fluctuations of the Dow Jones three to four days in advance, with an accuracy of 86.7%. That's crazy, but fascinating. Now if only I'd managed to start on my presentation on the Singaporean economy. I'm literally just going to be condensing information from the Wikipedia article, I think, which is awful but definitely more than adequate for the purposes of this class. Haven't even looked at 1 Henry IV, which is also bad, bad, bad. It's stupid that I'm falling behind so early in the term. I haven't even prepared anything for my PWP, so it's going to be a really short meeting with Michael Hulse on Thursday. I've also decided that I'm returning my Topman jacket and getting one from Superdry on Monday instead, if I can be bothered to go to the special student event. The suede of the Topman jacket is just going to be too much of a pain to maintain in the long run, I figure. That and some of the Superdry jackets are definitely closer to what I had in mind in the first place.

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