Monday, August 20, 2012

Episode 1428: 50% To The Finishing Line...

Went to the Library today, but couldn't seem to get any work done. Ironically, I've now forced myself to push this chapter's word count until the point where I finish analysing Alfian Sa'at's 'The Merlion'. I'm struggling to word this last paragraph just so, but once that's done, I'll be able to tie up the whole chapter tomorrow and start on the final one, which might have to be shortened as well, since I'm now already about 500 words over what I'd allocated to this middle chapter. From here onwards, there's very little secondary literature that I can rely on to guide my line of argument, at least at the level of doing close reading, which is both scary and liberating, since it's now strictly my interpretation of the poetry, and I'm understandably concerned about confirmation bias in my literary analysis. My supervisor did sign off on the conference paper though, and I've only been expanding the line of argument presented in that, so I guess I should be fine. Need to get more work done tomorrow because a bunch of us are having drinks in the evening, and I'd feel guilty about not having written anything all day, especially since I'm 11000+ words into the dissertation and the end of that is in sight.

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